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O-Town Love
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Dedicated to keeping O-Town Love going strong into the next MILLENNIUM!!!!!
January 26, 2002
Well how is everyone!! I finally get to update the site thourghly!! I got a day off from work so I figured I would put my time to good use. Do you guys like the new pic? I got it from the O-Town Keys Page. Doesn't Jakey look so cute. The monkey isn't his. It was a loaner so that he could see if he wanted to get one. He still does, but he's waiting for a girl monkey. Well I hope everyone has a great week. Don't forget to sign my Guestbook and make sure you all catch "Making the Band" tonight at 9pm.
Updated as of 1/26
January 23, 2002
OK, I'm pretty sure that everyone who is reading this caught the first episode of "Making the Band" whether it was when it first came on or the 30th time it came on. So I want you guys to tell me what you thought of it. Didn't you guys think that Trevor looked absolutely ADORABLE when he was giving out his list of why he liked Britney Spears. I couldn't stop laughing. But overall I'm looking forward to seeing this season.
Well, if you guys don't already know, O-Town will be releasing "Love Should be a Crime" as their next single. As soon as I find out exactly what day, I'll let you know.
Thats it for now. Hope to talk to you guys soon!!
January 16th,2002
Well tonight's the night that we get to see where O-Town gets to lie their heads at. I'm so excited!!! And just think in 3 days "Making the Band" finally returns to our lives. No more shall we try to find out what the boys are up to. For now on, every Saturday night will be filled with those 5 cuties. I'll finally have my O-Town fix!!!! Anyways sign my guestbook and let me know what you think of the MTV Cribs episodes. I can't wait to hear from you!!!!
To Sign my Guestbook:
January 6, 2002
First of all I want to say Happy New Year to everyone!! I hope 2002 treats you better than 2001. Anyways, I figured it was about time that I update the site. I thought that it was time for a change. New year, New look. Do you guys like it?. Well I added some more stuff onto the pages. Hopefully the computer won't shut down again like it has been doing lately. I thought that I would check in with you guys. If you would like to contact me, please do so by e-mailing me at I love getting mail!!!
Talk to you guys soon!!!
And Don't forget to vote Too!!
December 22,2001
Okay I need a favor from you guys. My guest book is pretty much lacking entries. So I could please get some of you to write in it. I would be ever much greatfull!!!Also if you have any pictures that you took of O-Town or with O-Town that you want to show of, please send them to me with a description of where and when you took it.
Also I want to start a new Fan Fiction page but I need the most important part: Fan Fiction!! Also,if you have any ideas for questions I can add onto the poll, please let me know.You can reach me at: Thank You in advance!!!
And Please vote for me at
Updated as of December 22:
New contest
More Pictures
Updated Erik and Dan Pages
(the other 3 are on the way!!!)
Updated News
New Games
December 17,2001
Okay, remember how I was saying that I was going to add some of the info and pictures from BOP Magazine with O-Town on the cover. Well I finally did. I'm going to add some more pictures, I just need to hook up our other scanner. I'm in the proccess of updating all of the guys info. Trevor, Dan and Erik are already done. Also whenever I find out when they are going to show the guys on Jenny Jones and The Ananda Lewis Show, I will make sure you guys know. I've also updated the tour schedule and added somemore pictures. So take a look around, let me know what you think.
And before I forget, I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, and A Happy Kwanza or whatever you celebrate. May your wishes come true.
Tracey "O-Town Lover #1!!!"
P.S: Make sure you VOTE:
November 28,2001
Okay, I'm sitting here with my November Issuse of Bop Magazine, and who is on the front cover? You Guessed it: O-Town. The article about them is very interesting, and as always, the guys look GORGEOUS!!!. Anyways, make sure you pick up a copy. I'm going to try to scan in some pictures from the article and add some of the juicy stuff from the interview onto the website, so look out for that in the near future.
Did anyine catch the O-Town chat on MSN Tuesday. I did. Unfortuntly my computer keep logging off, so I missed some parts. But not to fear, I have the transcript!!!(Yeah!!!) If you have AOL, make sure you catch the guys their
November 23, 2001
Okay, I know its been awhile since I've updated the page. And I am truly sorry. I was watching the All Day Marathon of "Making the Band" and I felt inspired to come update the page!! Right know I'm watching the episode where Trevor pours his heart out to that girl he liked from his hometown. Unfortunately I already know how its going to end. Poor Trevor. Anyways, I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving (I know I did!!) Take care of yourselves!!! And Please Make sure you sign my Guest Book!!!
New as of 11/23/01
New Look
Updated "News"
Updated "Where to Catch O-Town"
Updated "VIP Access"
Click on the Pic to get a sneak peek of the O-Town DVD
(Must have Real Player)
Look for more on the "VIP Access Page"
Please vote for me at
Oct 16, 2001
Congrats O-Town on "We Fit Together" being Number 1 on TRL Tuesday!!!! They beat *NYSNC's "Gone" video!!! You Go Boys and for everyone who voted, keep on doing what you did today!!!
New as of 10/16
6 New Video Clips
Updated Concert Info
A New Background song!!!
(If you can't hear it, please let me know)
October 15, 2001
Sorry that its been awhile since I've updated the site. I've just been so swamped with work and school that I just couldn't find the time or the energy to drag myself to the computer. But never fear, your fearless leader is here.
I haven't pick a winner yet for the caption contest. I promise to have it done by this Tuesday (Oct. 16). I need to go back through the captions and pick my favorite one. The tough part about it is all of them are pretty good. I plan on getting a couple of people at work to help me narrow it down.
I found out some great O-Town News, so make sure you check it out!!
Also I hope everyone checked out O-Town on Maury, Montel, Regis and Kelley and TRL. Didn't they look great!! Hopefully my pictures should be on the site soon. I just need to get them developed. But that shouldn't take too long. Hopefully :-)
Anyways, I hope everyone has a great morning/day/afternoon or whatever.
And remember;
Theirs No Love Like O-Town Love!!!
Don't forget to vote for "We Fit Together" on TRL
Don't Forget to tell a friend about the site. Keep the O-Town Love alive!!!
Please vote for me at
updated 1/6/02 at 6:38 PM CST
Established July 27,2001